Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome the the course!
    • Welcome the Next Chapter in Your Dream Life After Divorce
  • 2
    Week 1
    • Clearing the Past and Overcoming the Pain
    • Session 1
    • Closing Old Doors to the Past and Opening New Doors to the Future
    • A New Day Treatment
  • 3
    Week 2
    • Clearing Anger and the Power of Forgiveness
    • Session 2
    • Cutting the Energetic Ties to the Past to Allow for the New
  • 4
    Week 3
    • Overcoming Fear and Stepping into Your Power
    • Session 3
    • Accessing Your Inner Power & Strength
  • 5
    Week 4
    • Clearing Hurt and Letting Go of the Old 'Story'
    • Session 4
  • 6
    Week 5
    • Welcome to your New Story and your DREAM LIFE
    • Session 5
  • 7
    Week 6
    • Discover Who You Need to BE to Live Your Dream Life
    • Session 6
    • Step Into the New Your and Your New Life
  • 8
    Week 7
    • Your Dream Life Plan in Action
    • Session 7
    • Unlocking your Inner Power
    • 90 Days Plan
  • 9
    Week 8
    • The Power of Beliefs and Clearing the Success Blocks
  • 10
    Week 9
    • How to Fill Your Own Cup Up Through Self Love and Your 6 Core Needs
    • Session 9
  • 11
    Week 10
    • Bringing Your Dreams to Life: The 6 A's to Turbocharge Your Creation
    • Session 10
    • Personal Sanctuary Process
    • Bonus Session: Your Personal Sanctuary of Power
    • 90 Day Action Plan